Few Words About Us

In 1994, Master Leigh Pember VIII Degree laid the foundation for Team Taekwon-Do, an embodiment of ITF Taekwon-Do's ethos in Nelson, Caldicot, and Caerwent. Since then, the academy has thrived under Master Pember's leadership, shaping individuals not only into adept martial artists but also into upstanding members of society. With a focus on excellence and community engagement, Team Taekwon-Do continues to inspire and empower its members to reach their fullest potential.

MEET THE Instructors

Master Leigh Pember

ITF VIII Degree Master
ITF Junior and Veteran Committee Member
ITF International Umpire A
Head Instructor

Christopher Edwards

ITF International Instructor
ITF International Umpire A
ITF V Degree

Lynzi Lynch

ITF International Instructor
ITF IV Degree

Charlotte Pember

ITF IV Degree

Vicki Edwards

ITF II Degree

Griffin Roberts

ITF II Degree